
  • NEXT GROUP starts July 30th. Weekly live sessions are Thursdays from 10am to 11:30am CST

  • Group discounts and customized programs are available

  • Pay at the level you can. For all enrollment fees at the base level or higher, we'll donate 20% to Black Lives Matter.

  • Do you need further support to attend? Tell us what you can manage: [email protected]

Learning Objectives

This course is designed to provide practical tools to build resiliency in the face of challenges during the pandemic and it's aftermath. Learners will be able to:

  • Identify causes and prevention strategies for secondary and vicarious trauma, emotional saturation, and burnout as we face the challenges and buffer the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic

  • Apply the principles of healing informed care to support one’s own wellbeing, while identifying co-regulating opportunities in patient care

  • Practice trauma-sensitive mindfulness and self-compassion practices as you develop a toolkit for resourcing and regulating, even during high pressure days

  • Situate the pandemic collective experience in relationship to findings on neurosequential hierarchy, stress response, allostatic load and resiliency to better contextualize one’s own experience and to relate to others

Course curriculum


CEO & Founder of WisdomWay Institute

Karen Laing

Karen Laing is the originator of the WisdomWay™ method of mindful caregiving and the Founder and CEO of WisdomWay Institute. Karen is an accredited Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher and has been bringing mindfulness into caregiving, training and coaching for more than 26 years. She has developed 40 Second Compassion Initiatives, the Cup of Kindness Toolkits and numerous programs, tools and publications to support compassionate culture shifts within health care. Her 6 Qualities of Embodied Mindfulness framework forms the foundation to build equitable, safe, and compassionate care aligned with Trauma-Informed Care, Equity and Relationship Centered approaches. With a decades long career in reproductive health, as a Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and experience as a midwife, she has been interested in the ways that a quality of presence and commitment to shared decision-making can be cultivated across disciplines. A member of the Society for Participatory medicine and a long-time patient advocate, Karen's mission to further health care quality initiatives are built on creating compassionate cultures that address burnout and caregiver/provider stress. Karen believes there is no reason to leave anyone out, and that we each have a basic goodness and desire to be in caring relationships with one another and that the skills of awareness and self-compassion, when tended, make us more resilient and effective in showing up for others. In her view, both care-giver and care-receiver hold the potential for healing and transformation when given these opportunities. Karen and her family live in Madison, Wisconsin.  

Trauma Specialist

Melinda Marasch, LCSW, MA

Ms. Melinda Marasch is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a social work/mental health trainer and consultant and the founder of Aspire Consulting. Melinda has dedicated more than 20 years to her passion in helping others. She specializes in clinical training, supervision and development of programs for therapists and direct care workers. Melinda has completed advanced training in Trauma Stress Studies and is a member of the international Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). Her expertise includes helping therapist and non-therapist direct care workers understand and utilize Healing (Trauma) Informed Care and Motivational Interviewing theory and approaches. Melinda has experience in residential, school & outpatient care, within criminal justice,healthcare (e.g. HIV/AIDS medical case managers, patient navigators), public (e.g. department of human services case workers), and community-based organizations. Melinda has presented numerous trainings across the U.S. on therapeutic approaches such as Healing (Trauma) Informed Care, self-care, Motivational Interviewing, mental/behavioral health issues, de-escalation and building culturally competent, collaborative and effective care cultures.

Next Group begins July 30, 2020

Now more than ever, we need tools to stay balanced, resilient and confident to greet each moment.

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